Dr. Nicole Panorkou is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Montclair State University. She holds a bachelor degree in Education Sciences from the University of Cyprus, a Masters of Science in Mathematics Education from the University of Warwick in England, and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from the UCL Institute of Education in the England. She also worked as an elementary school teacher for several years.
Her dissertation was a phenomenographic study of students' experiences of dimension in geometry. After earning her PhD, she was awarded a Fulbright scholarship and worked as a post-doctoral researcher in multiple NSF-funded projects at North Carolina State University. She contributed to the development of the resource TurnOnCCMath.net that maps the CCSS-M into learning trajectories, and was also involved in projects on the teaching and learning of geometric transformations and rational number reasoning, the design of Massive Open Online courses (MOOCs) for educators, and the design of exploratory learning environments.
At Montclair State University, Panorkou's research has been supported by the Spencer Foundation, the National Academy of Education, and the National Science Foundation. She was also awarded a NAEd/Spencer postdoc fellowship. Her work has been published in education and mathematics education journals, such as the Cognition and Instruction, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, For the Learning of Mathematics, Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, Constructivist Foundations, Educational Leadership, and Mathematics Teacher Educator. She often presents her work in local, national and international conferences.
From 2016-2022, she has served as an at-large officer at the University Senate of Montclair State University. She was re-elected in 2023 for a new term in the same position.
Additionally, she currently serves as the Past President on the executive board of the New Jersey Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (NJAMTE) and as a member-at-large of the North region at the board of the Association of Mathematics Teachers in New Jersey (AMTNJ).