Exploring students' Dynamic Measurement for Area

This project is a design study exploring a dynamic approach to teaching and learning measurement, which seems to be a promising approach to developing conceptual images of area and volume formulas. Dynamic measurement for Area (DYME-A) involves engaging students in dynamic experiences of visualizing the meaning of the area of a rectangle as a ‘sweep’ of a line segment of length a over a distance of b to produce area ab.

Publications from this work

Panorkou, N. (2020). Dynamic Measurement Reasoning for Area and Volume. For the Learning of Mathematics, 40(3), pp. 9-13. 

Panorkou, N. (2020). Reasoning dynamically about the area of a rectangle: The case of Lora and Isaac. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, 6(3), 257-292. 

This project was funded by the Spencer Foundation.