The DYME-V project

Dynamic Measurement for Volume

The DYME-V project engages students in exploring the volume of right prisms and cylinders as a dynamic extrusion of a surface over a height and examines their reasoning about volume as a continuous quantity that depends on the area of the base and the height of extrusion, an approach we refer to as Dynamic Measurement for Volume (DYME-V). 

Publications from this work

Panorkou, N. (2021). Exploring Students’ Dynamic Measurement Reasoning About Right Prisms and Cylinders, Cognition and Instruction, 39(4), 477-511.  

Panorkou, N. (2020). Dynamic Measurement Reasoning for Area and Volume. For the Learning of Mathematics, 40(3), pp. 9-13. 

This project is funded through a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation.